Maybe Banksy Is A Woman?

Is Banksy A Collective? Is Banksy from New York City?

Mon-Sat: 8.00-10.30,Sun: 8.00-4.00
About Autonomous Design Group
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Tribute pages for Public Artists including Banksy, and propaganda campaigns.

About Autonomous Design Group

<<ADG is an UK-based collective of creatives formed in 2019, the group creates artwork on issues such as police reform, rent strikes, the climate crisis and better pay for care workers. These striking posters incorporate clever use of collage, typography and copy, making them infinitely shareable on social media. But for ADG, it’s not just about the retweets. The collective hopes to see its work displayed as physical copies on the street, and also offers artistic support to social movements and political groups.>>


AdG ISSUED over 170,000+ Stickers & posters Via Open Source Worldwide!


<<Art should not be used to prop up the system, it should be used to enforce political change. There is no point in art if it sits inside galleries and social media is only a tool - the streets are the real galleries of the people. 

All our work is open-source, editable, and printable so it can be mass produced and pasted everywhere over and over again. We want to confront people with leftist politics in their day-to-day lives: in the street, on the bus, on the hoarding of that new block of flats on your way to work.

We face a multitude of crises. It is now completely clear to us that we are faced with a choice: barbarism caused by capitalist climate disaster and poverty, or a new world based on autonomy and liberation. To bring this new world into reality, ideas must be communicated in an approachable, clear, and accessible way.>>


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